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  • Writer's pictureMyndee M. Lee

The Passage of Time: A Whisper of Transience

There's a quiet kind of melancholy that settles in the heart as the golden years approach. It's like turning the pages of a book you love, knowing that with each turn, you're drawing closer to the final chapter. This introspection, a natural part of the human journey, grows more profound as I witness the sun setting on the lives of those I hold dear. There's a heavy realization that with age, not only do our own days become more numbered, but the circle around us begins to grow smaller.

It reminds me of a lesson Oprah once shared - that life is about moments, and it's up to us to make the most of them. She often spoke of the beauty in the everyday and the importance of living with purpose and intent. I've always been inspired by her wisdom, feeling an inner nudge to treasure the now. Yet, as time's relentless march goes on, and I attend one more memorial, one more gathering to reminisce about a life well-lived, I'm reminded just how fleeting these moments are.

In my reflective moments, surrounded by memories of loved ones now passed, I'm struck by the juxtaposition of life's richness and its ephemerality. How can something so vibrant, so full of stories, laughter, love, and lessons, be so transient? The children I once held are now adults carving their paths, and the elders whose wisdom I sought are now whispers in the wind. This cyclical nature of life, this dance of birth and death, while a natural rhythm, doesn't make the farewells any easier.

Yet, in the midst of this sorrow, there's an awakening, a deeper understanding of the essence of existence. As Oprah often emphasized, every ending is also a new beginning. The legacies of those who've passed live on in the stories we tell, the values we uphold, and the love we share. Their teachings become our compass, guiding us to live with even more passion, love, and gratitude.

I'm learning to cherish the wrinkles as badges of experiences, the silver strands in my hair as stories waiting to be told, and the moments of sadness as reminders to hug a little tighter, listen a little more attentively, and love without bounds. Time may be fleeting, but our ability to love and remember is infinite. The challenge, and perhaps the purpose of this journey, is to ensure that every tick of the clock resonates with meaning and purpose. Because in the end, it's not about the length of our days, but the depth of our moments.

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